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How the Reaserch Started

In 1982, my sister Angela received an interesting letter from a Laurence E Lindars (Click here). It sparked some research, which has continued ever since. After gathering information about my immediate family, I wrote to about 60 LINDARS' in the UK, asking for information about the small family tree I had created.   Then for about ten years all that information gathered dust. In the last 3 years, I picked up the investigations again and since then they have progressed considerably.    Recently I wanted to share the results of my research into the history of the LINDARS family, hence this web site.

As you will see from the material on this site, I have gathered together information on over a thousand LINDARS and LINDERS and their families.   The earliest dating back to around 1590, a William Lynders, who appeared in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire.    I have so far been able to form a single family tree (See Family Tree No.1), that incorporates about 60% of all the records gathered.     I have tried to fit together as best I can all the information found.   Other related family trees but as yet not placed, can be found in the other family trees created so far.    I have also included a small section on the history of the LINDARS family so far, and other interesting information I found along the way.     My secondary reason for setting up this site is to collect more information that people may have about the LINDARS and LINDERS families.

The information has been gathered from a variety of public sources and from the many people who wrote to me 13 years ago. This has formed the most interesting and less numerical information.  With all the numerous types of information, the errors and parish transcription mistakes, it has been difficult to guarantee accuracy. All items have been cross checked where possible. I have made no guesses.  I have in a couple of instances made logical inferences based on circumstantial evidence.  As a result there might be some errors, omissions or delicate information revealed.  For any such situation, I apologise. For much of the research, I have only been able to make use of the publicly available records. This does tend to leave out the human factor when looking at all the data.

Having visited many of the places where so much of this history has taken place, I have been able to get a bit of an insight into the lives behind the facts and figures. Some of the places cannot have changed so much in the last two or three hundred years. It isn’t too difficult to imagine some of the people and what went on from the bit of knowledge that we have. I hope that you enjoy looking through the results as much as I have collecting tem.

I am continuing the research, however, living in San Francisco does get in the way of local research. The web is a wonderful way to extend the reach of information.   If you have any interest in helping out, can spare the odd afternoon and can get to any of the archive libraries around England, or any other avenues that you think could be good then please let me know. I have all the information you’ll need to start and there is plenty more to do.

Sources and Acknowledgments

The information has been gathered from a variety of sources.   (Also see About Old Records and About the Places)

Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths at St.Catherine’s House, Kingsway, London.   
Census information for 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871 and 1881 at the Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London.
Parish registers from Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Norfolk and Greater London between 1500 and 1900. 
Letters from many Lindars cousins in 1983. Thank you again.

Thank you to my sister Alice and my friend Elaine for helping me traipse around muddy Oxfordshire graveyards and gathering the parish record data.  And also, many thanks to all of my family for their continuing support and good ideas.

If you want to send any information, corrections or comments, I would love to hear from you. If you would like to receive further updates of the Lindars family, I would appreciate any contributions to postage.  Click here for Contact Information.

If you have any comments or corrections about this page, please send a detailed email to: DomLindars@Yahoo.com

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