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More Information and Comments
If you have any questions, comments about this web site or want to make corrections or help with the on-going research, please contact me at one of the following.

Email: DomLindars@Yahoo.com

If you want to send me some information about your ancestors or current family or want to have any mistakes corrected, then if you could include the following information to make it easier to track people down :
Firstly, who you are, so I can determine where you go in the family tree. Preferably your full name and family details
What were the names of your parents and grandparents (on the Lindars side of the family)?
As much information as you have about the person, including full name (including middle names and/or maiden names, etc.), dates and places of birth, marriage or death, relationships to other LINDARS or LINDERS
Any interesting information like professions or family stories.
The number (or ID) of the person (if known), from the end of the URL. ("/People/245.html", etc.)

If you would be interested in helping with some research or want to explore your part of the tree, then I would be very happy to point you in the right direction :
Where to go to find what sort of information.
What research has already been done fully and what still needs to be completed or started

If you have any comments or corrections about this page, please send a detailed email to: DomLindars@Yahoo.com

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