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List of all people mentioned in Abingdon.
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  Year    Date  NameWhat Happened?
18143rd NovJames Linders (1784-1844)   James Linders was married on 3rd November 1814 in Abingdon (St. Helen), Berkshire to Mary Peed) (aka James Lindars) (P)
18143rd NovMary Peed   Mary Peed (Spinster) was married on 3rd November 1814 in Abingdon (St. Helen), Berkshire to James Lindars) (P)
181714th DecSara Linders (1817-1890)   Sara Linders was born on 14th December 1817 in Abingdon (St. Nicholas), Berkshire (Daughter of James Lindars and Mary Peed) (aka Sarah Lindars) (P)
18228th DecJohn Linders (1822-1849)   John Linders was born on 8th December 1822 in Abingdon (St. Nicholas), Berkshire (Son of James Lindars and Mary Peed) (aka John Lindars) (P)
182523rd JunEliza Lindars (1825-1848)   Eliza Lindars was born on 23rd June 1825 in Abingdon (St. Helen), Berkshire (P)
182824th AugThomas John Lindars (1828-1834)   Thomas John Lindars was born on 24th August 1828 in Abingdon, Berkshire (P)
18303rd OctEmma Linders (1830-1919)   Emma Linders was born on 3rd October 1830 in Abingdon (St. Nicholas), Berkshire (Daughter of James Lindars and Mary Peed) (aka Emma Lindars) (P)
1834Jan-MarThomas John Lindars (1828-1834)   Thomas John Lindars died in 1834 between January & March in Abingdon, Berkshire (F)
183418th JulThomas John Lindars (1834-1890)   Thomas John Lindars was born on 18th July 1834 in Abingdon (St. Nicholas), Berkshire (Son of William Lindars and Mary ?) (P)
1838Jan-MarMary Lindars (1759-1838)   Mary Lindars died in 1838 between January & March in Abingdon, Berkshire (aka Mary ?) (C)
184110th JunWilliam Lindars (1791-1872)   William Lindars (aged 45) (Innkeeper) on 10th June 1841 in Abingdon, Berkshire (age looks wrong) living with sister Caroline at 12, Bridge St (E)
184110th JunCaroline Lindars (1804-)   Caroline Lindars (aged 35) on 10th June 1841 in Abingdon, Berkshire was living with brother William at Bridge St (E)
1842Oct-DecAnne Lindars   Anne Lindars died in 1842 between October & December in Abingdon, Berkshire (aka ?) (C)
18442nd NovMary Beckingham (1821-)   (P)
18442nd NovJohn Lindars (1822-1849)   (P)
1848Oct-DecJohn Lindars (-1848)   John Lindars died in 1848 between October & December in Abingdon, Berkshire (C)
1850Jan-MarHannah Lindars (1850-1924)   Hannah Lindars was born in 1850 between January & March in Abingdon, Berkshire (C)
1850Apr-JunEmily Jane Lindars (1850-1898)   Emily Jane Lindars was born in 1850 between April & June in Abingdon, Berkshire (C)
1851Jul-SepHenry Francis Lindars (1851-1932)   Henry Francis Lindars was born in 1851 between July & September in Abingdon, Berkshire (C)
1851?Mary Lindars   Mary Lindars (aged 20) (Daughter) in 1851 in Abingdon, Berkshire was a Dressmaker was living at 85, Abingdon Bridge and was born in Abingdon (aka ?) (E)
1851?James Lindars   James Lindars (Son-in-law) in 1851 in Abingdon, Berkshire was a Slop Cutter was living at 85, Abingdon Bridge and was born in Abingdon (aka ?) (E)
1851?Clara Lindars (1817-)   Clara Lindars (aged 34) (Wife) in 1851 in Abingdon, Berkshire was a was living at 141, Magdalen St and was born in Abingdon (aka Clara Sevell) (E)
1851?Lydia Lindars (1806-1875)   Lydia Lindars (aged 45) (Head) in 1851 in Tubney, Berkshire was a Laundress was living at 133, Clarendon Buildings and was born in Tubney (aka Lydia Broughton) (E)
1851?Mary Lindars (1801-1883)   Mary Lindars (aged 46) (Wife) in 1851 in Radley, Berkshire was a was living at 12, Bridge St (The Crown & Thistle Tap) and was born in Radley (aka Mary ?) (E)
1851?Mary A Lindars (1835-)   Mary A Lindars (aged 20) (Dressmaker) in 1851 in Abingdon, Berkshire living with parents at 85, Abingdon Bridge (aka Mary A ?) (E)
1851?Richard Lindars (1787-1873)   Richard Lindars (aged 64) (Assitant) in 1851 in Abingdon, Berkshire at the Corown and Thistle Hotel, with his brother William (1791-) (E)
1851?Henry Lindars (1821-1892)   Henry Lindars (Fishmonger) in 1851 in Abingdon, Berkshire Living at 31, Bridge St (E)
1851?William Lindars (1791-1872)   William Lindars (aged 61) (Hotel Keeper) in 1851 in Abingdon, Berkshire living at 12, Bridge St (E)
1851?William Lindars (1817-1869)   William Lindars (aged 34) (Ag Lab) in 1851 in Draycott Hamlet, Berkshire was living with his wife Leah (E)
1851?Henry Lindars (1821-1892)   Henry Lindars (aged 30) (Head) in 1851 in Abingdon, Berkshire was a Fishmonger was living at 31, Bridge St and was born in Abingdon (E)
1851?John Lindars (1822-1849)   John Lindars (aged 28) (Head) in 1851 in Abingdon, Berkshire was a Publican was living at 46, Start St and was born in Abingdon (E)
1851?John Lindars (1824-1851)   John Lindars (aged 28) (Son) in 1851 in Burcot, Berkshire was a Groom was living at 5, Paradise Road and was born in Burcot (E)
1851?James Lindars (1818-)   James Lindars (aged 33) (Head) in 1851 in Burcot, Berkshire was a Brewer's Labourer was living at 154, Osney Lane and was born in Burcot (E)
1853Jan-MarJohn William Lindars (1853-1907)   John William Lindars was born in 1853 between January & March in Abingdon, Berkshire (C)
1854Jan-MarJohn Lindars (-1854)   John Lindars died in 1854 between January & March in Abingdon, Berkshire (C)
1854Apr-JunJulia Ann Lindars (1854-)   Julia Ann Lindars was born in 1854 between April & June in Abingdon, Berkshire (C)

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